5X Tres Leches Cake


17% ABV, 85 IBU

This beer was a collaboration with our good clients Craftshack and was inspired by their favorite mexican pastry, tres leches cake. If you don’t know, a tres and heavy cream. It is often layered with whipped cream and strawberry. Craftshack wanted this to be a spin-off of our 5X stout, so we used that beer as the base recipe. To keep our version vegan and allergy-friendly, we opted to add oat, hemp, and coconut milks as our three milks. We then added heavy doses of mexican vanilla plus strawberry and raspberry purees to really punch up the red fruit flavor. The result is a massively rich stout with a decadent, creamy mouthfeel and slight sweetness to offset the heavyweight ABV.

Sold in 4-Packs of 12oz Cans

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